Imwe chete pairi bvunzo probe

Tsananguro pfupi:

Imwe-pairi bvunzo probe yakagadzirirwa kushandiswa neQCS 2811 uye QCS 2810 zvidhinha.

  • Model:DW-2827
  • Chigadzirwa Chinhu

    Zvigadzirwa tags

    1. Zvinoenderana neQCS 2811 uye QCS 2810 zvidhinha

    2. ZveMukati uye zvekunze zvinoshandiswa

    Vhara Series


    Vhara mhando

    Kurumidza Kubatanidza System (QCS) 2811

    Cabinet inokwirisa chimiro

    Pad gomo, pole gomo, danda gomo


    QCS2810, QCS2811, Kurumidza Conction System (QCS) 2810


    QCS 2811

    Murazvo unodzoreredza


    Indoor / Outdoor

    Indoor, kunze

    Chigadzirwa mhando

    Block Accessory

    Mhinduro ye

    Access Network: XDSL

    0151 11

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